Today, I reflect upon the
day of my Birth and the Journey thus far in my earthly mission; the purpose of
my birth and the essence of my existence in this beautiful World with its
seeming hurdles and conquests. I come to realise that indeed, LIFE IS FULL OF
BEGININIGS. They are presented every day
and every hour to every person. Most beginnings are small and appear trivial
and insignificant, but in reality they are the most important things in Life.
In the material Word, see
how everything proceeds from small beginnings. The mightiest river is at first
a rivulet over which the grasshoppers could leap; the great flood commences
with a few drops of rain; the sturdy oak, that hat has endured the storms of a
thousand winters, was once an acorn.
In the Spiritual World,
consider how the greatest things proceed from smallest beginnings. A simple
Word from God brought forth light to a dark and void world; He created heaven
and earth; man and all creatures of the world; from one man, came generations
born and yet to be born. Indeed, a word from God brought forth me, a being full
of Life and inherent potentials. You are definitely not left out; you a product
of a wonderful beginning, created in the Image and likeness of God.
A light fancy may be the inception of a
wonderful invention or an immortal work of art; a spoken sentence may turn the
tide of history; a pure though entertained may lead to the exercise of a
world-wide regenerative power.
you yet discovered the vast importance of beginnings? Do you really know what
is involved in a beginning? Do you know the number of beginnings you are continuously
making and do you realise their full importance?
A beginning is a cause, and
as such it must be followed by an effect or a train of effects and the effect
will be of the same nature as the cause. A beginning also presupposes an
ending, a consummation, achievement, or goal. A gate leads to a path, and a
path to some destination; so a beginning leads to results, and results lead to
completion. Indeed, there are right beginnings and wrong beginnings followed by
effects of a like nature.
If your beginnings were
right, pray for the Grace to keep it up and to persevere till the end. However,
do not dwell upon the sins and mistakes of yesterday so exclusively as to have
no energy and mind left for living rightly today, and do not think that the
sins of yesterday can prevent you from living aright today. Begin today right
with the world, and aided by the accumulated experiences of all your past days,
live it better than your previous days; but you cannot possibly live it better
unless you begin it better.

You are Blessed beyond your imaginations and
You are God’s Own!